John Thomas Scopes – My Hero

The 1925 trial of John Thomas Scopes, commonly known as the “Monkey Trial”, is probably one of my favorite subjects.  I decided to write about it today because one of the major players in the trial was born today (March 19, 1860), William Jennings Bryan.

John Thomas Scopes 1925

John Thomas Scopes was born August 3, 1900, in Paducah, Kentucky.  The Scopes family lived in the country until John was eight, giving him considerable freedom from is mother and four sisters.  He spent much of his time roaming the countryside.

In 1913, the family moved to Danville, Illinois, where John liked to attend vaudeville shows.  Danville schools were racially integrated, which greatly impressed Scopes and appealed to his sense of fairness.  After spending two years in Danville, the family moved again, this time to Salem, Illinois.  In Salem, he was a forward on the Salem High School basketball team.

One day, William Jennings Bryan came to speak at Salem High.  Though a superb orator, he repeatedly mispronounced a word, which set Scopes and his sisters laughing.  Finally, the rest of the audience joined in, breaking the spell Bryan had woven over them.  It so rattled Bryan that he remembered Scopes and the incident years later at the trial in Dayton.

Scopes attended the University of Illinois where he majored in chemistry, but had to drop out due to illness.  He then tried at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, but had to drop out again in 1921.  He eventually returned and garnered honors in Educational Psychology, Philosophy, Law, Sociology, Geology, Mathematics and Zoology.  Even though his chief interest was in science, Scopes graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Law.

Because of financial problems, he left college to coach and teach in Dayton, Tennessee.  In 1924, he coached, taught algebra, physics and chemistry at Central High School for $150 a month.  In my opinion, Scopes is a hero because of what he did while teaching at Central High.

Fundamentalism was a religious movement based on a strict, literal interpretation of the Bible.  They thought the teaching of Evolution was a crime and had already started anti-evolution movements in fifteen states.  In Tennessee, the Butler Act banned any teaching thought to be conflicting with the Book of Genesis.  The Tennessee House passed it thinking the Senate would not.  The Senate passed it thinking Governor Austin Peay would veto it, be he signed it into law thinking it would never be enforced.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) issued press releases that stated it would finance any test cases which challenged the constitutionality of the law. Scopes agreed to have George Rappleyea, who owned several local mines, to swear a complaint against him.  Rappleyea pointed out that while the Butler Act prohibited the teaching of the theory of evolution, the state required teachers to use a textbook that explicitly described and endorsed the theory of evolution, and that teachers were, therefore, effectively required to break the law. Scopes mentioned that while he couldn’t remember whether he had actually taught evolution in class, he had, however, gone through the evolution chart and chapter with the class. Scopes added to the group “If you can prove that I’ve taught evolution and that I can qualify as a defendant, then I’ll be willing to stand trial.”

Scopes became an increasingly willing participant, even incriminating himself and urging students to testify against him. He was indicted on May 25, after three students testified against him at the grand jury, at the behest of Scopes. Scopes was charged with having taught from the chapter on evolution to an April 7, 1925, high-school class in violation of the Butler Act (and nominally arrested, though never detained). His bail of $100 was paid by Paul Patterson, owner of the Baltimore Sun.

Scopes knew it would mean the end of his teaching career, possibly heavy fines and maybe even imprisonment.  His arrest caused a clash between the ACLU and

William Jennings Bryan Circa 1902

the Fundamentalists.  William Jennings Bryan, former Secretary of State, volunteered to prosecute.  However, the Fundamentalists Association asked him to assist the chosen prosecutors.  Bryan wanted to force the Anti-Evolution Amendment into the American Constitution.

For the defense stood ACLU president, Arthur Garfield Hays; Dudley Field Malone, a great libertarian lawyer; John R. Neal, a Constitutional expert; and the greatest legal mind of his time, Clarence Darrow.  Darrow and Malone volunteered to defend without charge.  Part of Scopes’ defense fund was provided by the Baltimore Sun.  The Sun also sent their best reporter, H. L. Mencken, who named it the “monkey trial.”

Anticipating that Scopes would be found guilty, the press fitted the defendant for martyrdom and created an onslaught of ridicule. Time’s initial coverage of the trial focused on Dayton as “the fantastic cross between a circus and a holy war”. Life adorned its masthead with monkeys reading books and proclaimed, “the whole matter is something to laugh about”.

Clarence Darrow Circa 1922

The case came before Judge John T. Raulston in a special term of the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit on Friday, July 10, 1925.  Judge Raulston opened the first day with a prayer.  “Not just an ordinary prayer, but an argumentative one, directed straight at the defense,” wrote Hays.

Scopes said, “Darrow’s opening had been the aggressive sort of speech I had expected him to give, based on what I heard of him and read about him.”

“Your honor,” said Darrow, “every single word that was said against this defendant, everything was true.”

“So he does not care to go on the stand?”

“No,” said Darro, “what is the use?”

“So I sat speechless, a ringside observer at my own trial, until the end of the circus,” Scopes wrote later.

Scopes wrote, “Today Darrow’s is the name most persons link with the defense.  Certainly Darrow deserves all the credit he has been  given.  At the same time, the work of the other attorneys was just as important.  Hays and Neal remained in the background.  They were the legal mechanics, the engineers who kept the defense roaring down the tracks.  Neither made any dramatic speeches and therefore their brilliance was easily overlooked and their significance soon forgotten.  Hays especially was the one who bounced up regularly to object, to raise legal points, and otherwise to busy himself with the technical aspects of the law, the matters that might prove crucial when he appealed the case.  Without the quiet efficiency and sharpness of both Hays and Neal, the public utterances of Malone and Darrow would never have shone so brilliantly.”  The one thing that cheered Scopes during the trial was that Representative Butler, who had drafted the law they were fighting, admitted publicaly that he did not know what evolution was.

Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan, 1925

The prosecution got Judge Raulston to deny any scientific testimony.  Hays developed a new tactic – to build their case on the Bible.  Darrow called William Jennings Bryan to witness as a Bible expert.  He destroyed Bryan’s credibility by getting him to admit that the Bible could not always be taken literally.  The jury took nine minutes to convict Scopes.  They jury was supposed to set the fine but Judge Raulston set it at $100, giving the Court of Appeals reason to overturn the conviction.  Scopes almost missed his only chance to speak when the judge forgot to ask if he had anything to say before sentencing.  Malone immediately objected.  Scopes stood and addressed the court.  “Your Honor, I feel I have been convicted of an unjust statute.  I will continue in the future as I have in the past, to oppose this law in any way I can.  Any other action would be in violation of my ideals of academic freedom, that is to teach the truth as guaranteed in our Constitution of personal and religious freedom.  I think that fine is unjust.”

After Raulston ruled against the admission of scientific testimony, Mencken left Dayton, declaring in his last dispatch “All that remains of the great cause of the State of Tennessee against the infidel Scopes is the formal business of bumping off the defendant.”

Scopes left teaching and became a geologist.  The Butler Act remained in force for the next 42 years.

The circus in Dayton could hardly be repeated today.  It was like a last gasp of ignorance and bigotry.  Anti-evolution laws remain on the books, not only in Tennessee but in many other states.  Today, there are many schoolteachers in elementary and high schools, as well as professors in state-controlled colleges, who are reluctant to express their views not only on evolution, but also on many other subjects.  Academic freedom in America is still not a clear-cut achievement, but the trial of Scopes went a long way to help make it a reality.

The play Inherit The Wind and subsequent movie of the same title is a dramatized version and loosely based on actual events.  Since 1987, the city of Dayton has staged a reenactment of the trial using the original transcripts, performing it in the same courtroom in which the trial took place. The annual event occurs during Dayton’s Scopes Trial festival with several performances showing over the weekend.

Pathetic. . . or is it just depressing?

Going to the doctor is bad enough.  But then their endless penchant for running late and forcing you to listen to a television at top volume is pushing it, in my opinion.  However, I would like to share with you something that was said on this intrusive waiting room TV.  The station playing was our local news station, Bay News 9.  By the way, I am utterly thankful that it was not FOX “right-wing – it is news because we say so – even though we are lying” News.  But I digress.

Now, Bay News 9 seems half way decent.  They cover mostly local news and offer weather every ten minutes – “on the 9’s”.  Prior to one of these weather reports the meteorologist said – and I quote, “Klystron 9 – The most colorful television radar.”  Um, really?  Have we sunk so low as a society that we no longer care about content or accuracy as long as it is “colorful”?  Have we dissolved into a nation with ADD (or ADHD) mentality, needing to have a kaleidoscopic and quick moving world to keep our attention?

Sadly, I think the answer is yes.  Our education rates close to the bottom in all the areas of reading, math and science (33, 27 and 22 respectively – out of 33 by the way).  Who is ranked the highest?  Finland with scores of 2, 1 and 1 – Korea beat them out for the number 1 spot in reading.  Ok, lets bring it closer to home, how about our Canadian brothers and sisters?  Canada ranks 3, 5 and 2.  But those socialist commies have no clue what they are doing, or so we are told.  (By the way, all these lists and many more can be found here.)

Maybe I am overreacting.  Why not now look at some other scores?  Let’s do it, I have not reached the correct stage of inadequacy yet.  Adult literacy ranking according to the OECD – #9.  Health Care Quality – #37.  Women’s Rights – #17.  Life Expectancy – #29.  Journalistic Press Freedom – #32 and that is with Finland, Iceland, Norway and the Netherlands being tied for 1st place.  Political Corruption Index – #17 (no surprise there).  And I will finally stop with the Environmental Sustainability Index – #45.

People, especially right-wing politicians, try to whip the population into a patriotic fervor – “America is the best!!  Woo-hoo!!”  Well, the above statistics tend to poke a few holes in this argument, but then, when do fact ever stand in their way?  We may still be a world power but it is simply due to our size and our busy-body attitude of having to stick our nose in everyone else’s business.  We have our hands in cookie jars globally and most of which are out of simple self-interest.  We have become the bumbling bully, the Bluto of the cosmos.  We want to help South Africa for diamonds and the Middle East for oil.  Our government couldn’t give a rats ass for the people of these nations or the governments they instill.  That is what upsets me about the whole Egypt situation.  The US Government doesn’t really care whether they develop a “democracy” – especially since Bush proved even that can be bought.  I feel we can deplore the violence and offer guidance, sure.  But when the people themselves are shouting “We hate America”, then maybe our presence and especially our prominent pushing is causing more harm than good.

I am not saying Mubarak isn’t an asshole – maybe he is – but so was Bush and we were unable to uproot him from his 8 years squatting in the White House.  But then we didn’t think about throwing Molotov cocktails.

This has been a long and winding post – for which I apologize.  The point I am making is that we have not made progress or enjoyed world respect since the time of Kennedy.  In fact we have slipped rapidly downhill.  This does not have to lead to the bleak and dreadful existence I have alluded to, but it will require a lot of hard work and innovation.  We have to stop thinking only of ourselves and our instant gratification, our gas-guzzling SUVs and our HD TVs.  We have to pull ourselves out of this self made rut, respect one another and show a little courtesy.

9 Year-Old Boy With A Heart Of Gold

Grab your tissues, because if you are like me this story will make you teary.

Nine-year old Isaac Saldana and his brother were about to walk their dog when the news announced the shootings of a little girl and Gabrielle Giffords (among others) in Arizona.  Isaac told the Huffington Post “I just thought, whoa! I didn’t know that people carry around guns here in Tucson. It scared me a little.”  He continued, saying “I felt really bad about Gabrielle being in the hospital and getting shot, so I just wanted to help her.”

However, Isaac had an idea.  He decided to sell his toys and even a bracelet his father had given him.  He filled his backpack and sold the items at school, even getting in trouble with his teacher and having his backpack taken away.

Well, young Isaac was able to raise $2.84.  So he put it in an envelope with a get well card and sent it off to the Giffords’.  Isaac’s mother, Aracely, was unaware of what her son was up to.  When she found out she understandably got a little choked up.  “For him to go out of his way, risk getting in trouble to do a good thing — that was just awesome,” she said. “I was crying. I am extremely proud of my children.”

Giffords’ husband Mark told KVOA News in Tucson that he planned to “get [Saldana] his lunch money back.”  But Isaac said he won’t accept it.

“I don’t really want it back,” he said. “I think she needs it.”

Now, this whole story is amazing to me.  And at risk of embarrassing myself, when I was nine, I had no clue what was going on the world. I didn’t pay much attention to the news or current events.  I was blissfully unaware of anything outside my world of school, cartoons and teenie bopper music.  Yes, the amount of money he raised is small but the important issue is that he cared enough to do something.  He used the resources he had available and in his way, he made a difference.

Aracely Saldana has every right to be proud of her children.  And she should also feel good that she must be doing an excellent job of raising her three children.  If they can be selfless enough, have enough compassion – it is something that should be celebrated and embraced.  And I personally would like to thank this family for giving me hope.  Hope that maybe one day we can turn this country around and once again have it moving forward.

Joan Rivers? Really? I’m impressed!

Wow, now there is finally a good reason to LIKE Joan Rivers.  I know, I am as shocked as you are.  But here is the scoop.

During a recent interview with TMZ, she referred to Sarah Palin as “stupid and a threat.”  Although this is a true statement, good ol’ Palin loving FOX News had another view.  They axed her upcoming interview on their show Fox News and Friends.

When FOX called Rivers’ PR people they stated the reason for the cancellation was her views and statements about Palin.  Now we have known Joan for a long time now, and one thing we can say with certainty is that she is not quiet.  Now, FOX is required to do some political spin and has released a statement saying some mumbo-jumbo about the “volume of new topics” and that they (tut-tut) just didn’t have room to squeeze her in.  What a shame.

Stick with me, this gets better.  Joan also said in the TMZ interview that everyone was “right to blame Sarah for the shootings (the recent attack on an Arizona congresswoman that left six people dead.) Go look at her website. This woman is encouraging sandbaggers to reload …”   Ok, I’m starting to love this woman.  Again, very true statement.  Palin had a map on her website that showed crosshairs indicating people we need “to take a stand” against.  Not only that, but she listed each person at the bottom of the map.  And who was under one of those crosshairs?  You guessed it, Arizona Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords.  And what happened to her?  She was brutally and heartlessly shot in the head because she favored health care for the little people.

If you would like to read the full article on Joan and her FOX run-in go here:  Sarah Palin jibe no joke to Fox News

Check out Sarah Palin’s crosshairs map:

Lies: And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Franken

One of the most brutal and intellectual insights into the United States government and mindset up through about 2003. Al Franken has a remarkable talent of seeing, truthfully, what our psychotic government is up to. Using humor and insight, Mr. Franken dissects some of the biggest lies of the beginning of the Bush Humiliation Years (as I like to call them), including Weapons of Mass Destruction; how Mr. Bush and his cronies stole the election and divided the country amongst themselves; Bush’s deep ties to oil and Bin Ladden; and everything that comes out of Ann Coulter’s mouth.

Let us not forget how Mr. Bush managed to disintegrate our country in a matter of mere months. “When President Clinton left office America enjoyed tremendous respect and admiration around the world. . . . But as soon as he became president, Bush managed to spend Clinton’s surplus of international goodwill in astonishingly short order. He ditched Kyoto, the antiballistic treaty, the germ warfare protocol to the Biological Weapons Convention, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the International Criminal Court, and the land mine treaty.” Not to mention attempting to privatize everything in the country. Mr. Bush has done nothing more than illegally squat in the White House, playing with tanks and pushing buttons like a retarded child. (My deepest apologies to anyone suffering from retardation for lack of a better analogy.) Mr. Bush was not elected to the office of President, and once there decided to tear down all progress that has been made by every leader since the 1920’s.

I would like to close with 2 quotes that I feel fit Bush and his regime. The first is from the movie “Inherit the Wind” about the 1925 trial of John Thomas Scopes for teaching evolution in school. I believe it fits his religious fanaticism as well as what he has done to the country. “Can’t you understand? That if you take a law like evolution and you make it a crime to teach it in the public schools, tomorrow you can make it a crime to teach it in the private schools? And tomorrow you may make it a crime to read about it. And soon you may ban books and newspapers. And then you may turn Catholic against Protestant, and Protestant against Protestant, and try to foist your own religion upon the mind of man. If you can do one, you can do the other. Because fanaticism and ignorance is forever busy, and needs feeding. And soon, your Honor, with banners flying and with drums beating we’ll be marching backward, BACKWARD, through the glorious ages of that Sixteenth Century when bigots burned the man who dared bring enlightenment and intelligence to the human mind!”

Finally, Julius Caesar. “Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”

Just in case you need a few more reasons, visit 84 Reasons Why Bush Must Go.